Mud Week One – Summer Camp 2023

 In Summer Camp

Thank you for another great week of Summer Camp 2023! Mud Week One was a huge success! Students learned all about the process of working with clay. Each project highlighted different molding and sculpting techniques.

Student learned how to make pinch pot animals, mushrooms jars, slab lanterns, and more! Our instructors go over the entire process of working with clay. They going over the importance of scoring, slipping, and attaching each addition to their clay creations.


Once students learn how to properly score, slip, and attach their add-ons they smooth out all the cracks!

Then, instructors go over the full clay journey, explaining how pieces need to reach a bone-dry state before they can be fired in our kilns.

On the second day of camp students take a tour of our back rooms to see the kilns in action! We over how kilns are very different than our normal household ovens, and the importance of making sure our clay pieces have absolutely no water left in them!

Students will get all their clay projects just 10 days after the end of camp, once they are all fired to bisque.

Next step is painting! Students will come back to paint their pieces on their own time, getting to choose between over 50 different colored glazes. We love seeing these finished clay creations come to life!


Another big portion of Mud Week camp is getting to experience throwing pottery on the wheel! The first day of camp students learn the basics of being on the wheel! First step is learning how to center and open their pieces.

The second day of camp students learn how to pull the walls of their clay and create the shape of their piece! The third day they make their own completed wheel piece!

The last projects students made on the last day were slab lanterns! Students learned how to use the slab roller and cut precise measurements! They chose between star, hearts, and circle cut outs to make their out candle holder/ lantern.

Our end of camp celebration took place on our back patio once all projects were completed! Face painting, games, and painting took place outside at the end of camp! We are so proud of each and every student and all that they accomplished this week, we cant wait to see the painted products!

Mud Week Two starts July 10th, we can’t wait to see you back!


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