Beer Mug


Only 1 left in stock

Each pottery to-go item includes up to five colors of glaze paint. Please choose your colors below.
If you are pre-ordering pottery to paint in store, you can skip the color selection and choose your colors in store.
Happy Painting!

Glaze And Firing Policy:
I understand that I will be notified within 24 hours that my pottery-to-go pack is ready for pickup and that I must return my painted pottery to Burst Of Butterflies for glazing and firing and pieces will be ready within 7 days after returning to the studio. I understand that I am being provided brushes and paint pods and sponges at no additional charge and that I must return these materials when I bring my pottery to be fired in order to avoid a $5 material fee. We will call you when pieces are ready for pickup and we can deliver to your car if desired. Burst Of Butterflies is not responsible in any way for the outcome of your pottery as we have no control on how the pieces were handled or how paint was applied. A best practices paint instruction sheet will be provided with your take home kit that details how to best apply paint. Please use only the paint provided in your kit in order to have your pieces fired and the best results.


Dimensions: 5.75 in. x 3.75 in. x 6.5 in.