Wednesday 02/14/2018    
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Bookings closed
Burst of Butterflies - Chandler
141 W. Boston Street, Chandler, AZ, 85225

Beginner to advanced, come out and get your hands in the mud for this special valentine couples class and optionally bring adult beverages.  Let’s have some fun and have a memorable date night.

Beginners will learn the basics of working with clay on the wheel and the proper techniques and methods of keeping the clay piece centered and balanced as well as how to pull the clay up into a cylinder or bowl shape.  No experience needed and you will be amazed at what you can learn during this class.  Beginner wheel throwing class is an excellent pre-requisite to our advanced wheel classes.

Those with experience will learn advanced techniques and work on enhancing your skills.

You may create as many pieces as desired in the time of the class and any pieces you choose to keep will then be fired and ready for you to glaze with ceramic paints in the design and colors of your choice.  You may come in any time during business hours for the glazing process with no reservation required.  Finished pieces include clay used, paint glazes used, and two firings at just $2.50 per inch on the longest side.

This is a class for adults only.  Beer and wine can be brought in if desired and this makes a great date night or night out with friends.



This event is fully booked.

This Event/Class Summary:
Valentine Special Couples Wine & Wheel Clay Class Wednesday 02/14/2018 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Burst of Butterflies – Chandler
141 W. Boston Street
Chandler AZ 85225

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